What's more, the extra- light, extra-strong WHIZZER 'Station Wagon' fits any bike.

Buy your trailer at a value price, the way you want it, right here on Here's a great new bike trailer that's built to last. The trailer comes with a 5 year manufacturers warranty and Advantage Trailer Company is an authorized Anvil warranty repair center. Radial tires and all LED lighting are standard features. 63' interior height has a thermocool ceiling liner helps to keep the interior cool.
Plus, you don't have to "settle" because you can order the trailer type, size and color you want, customize it like you need it, and not have to settle for something less. strong>2023 Anvil Cargo Contractor Tool Crib 7x16 V Nose 84" Interior Enclosed Cargo9" Extra Height- 84". Those doors have an extra set of hinges for added strength. With us you will get the best value we can offer, and you'll get friendly, professional service. We may not always have the lowest price (we usually do), but buyers tell us they want the best value for their money. 0:00 / 1:55 2021 6x12 Anvil Cargo Trailer - AT6X12SA - Black Right Trailers Nationwide 3. Yes, we know if you look long enough you may find a cheaper priced trailer, because there is always somebody who says "I've got a better deal for you" but do they really? We work hard to keep our prices as low as possible every day, but work even harder to offer the best overall trailer value. Since we started selling trailers in Atlanta back in 2008, our goal has been to offer and sell the very best value trailers for the money.#Enclosed extra height anvil trailer professional#