
No mas meaning in english
No mas meaning in english

Pleading – ¡Vamos, hombre, por favor! (Aww, come on man, please.)Īs a bonus, this isn’t too strange-sounding to English speakers, because English “man” can be used in much the same way. Greeting – ¡Hombre! Cómo estás? (Hey man! How are you?) Yes/Of course – ¡Claro que sí, hombre! (Of course, or definitely) No – “Do you like your boss?” Qué va, hombre, para nada.

no mas meaning in english

What does it mean and how is it used? It literally means “man”, and is also used to affirm or strengthen what you’re saying typically to mean no, yes/of course, to greet or to plead. How do you say it? “Ombre” (the H is silent) (“We’re meeting at 11am tomorrow, vale?” or “Call me later to organize that.” Vale, I’ll call you.) After a while in Spain you’ll notice that people tend to use it twice in reply ( vale, vale) which is endearing! 3. It’s used as a way of agreeing or affirming what someone has said. It comes from the verb valer (to be worth, as in ¿cuánto vale? – How much is it?) but means so much more. What does it mean and how is it used? Very much a part of the Spaniards’ vocabulary_,_ meaning OK, alright, sounds good, I understand or no problem. How do you say it? “Bale” (the V turns into a B)

no mas meaning in english

Young people pepper their conversations with this adjective, responding to their friends’ stories with a chorus of ¡Qué guay! (“How cool!”) 2. What does it mean and how is it used? It means cool, awesome or great.

no mas meaning in english

Thinking about going to Spain? Make sure you learn these Spanish expressions and use them on anyone and everyone who’ll listen – it’ll impress the locals and ensure that you’ll have a much easier time making friends and fitting in. Spanish is one of the world’s most widely-spoken languages and Castilian (the version spoken in Spain) charms expats and tourists as quickly as the country’s narrow cobblestoned streets and tasty tapas.

No mas meaning in english